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Grassfed beefRecipes

Burgers with added punch

By May 9, 2016November 6th, 2023No Comments



We recently grilled some Svec Farm grassfed beef burgers and enjoyed them outside. (In April! It was exciting.) Of course our grassfed beef is already wonderfully delicious and highly nutritious, but we bumped up the benefits with a couple of additions:

Bacon. (Yum!)

And liver. (Um.)

I got the idea and the recipe from this Paleo recipe blog, even though we went ahead and ate these burgers on gluten-rich buns from the local food co-op.

The verdict? Three out of the four of us, including both kids, ate the amped up burgers with relish. One of us could only get through half of the burger. But that could be because that person was the cook and had seen the process (and had smelled the raw smells with her pregnant nose).

If you opt to keep some of your variety meats and you want a new option for using your liver, give it a shot! And if you’d rather just add the bacon, that’s a proven winner with everyone at our house.

Svec Farm

Svec Farm is a small, fifth-generation family farm in eastern South Dakota specializing in grassfed beef.

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